Can we have both hip healthcare and hip openers?
Hips are a popular topic in yoga.
In fact, hip opening is the most popular request of yoga teachers. But are we obsessed for the wrong reasons? What can we do that lines up with the science and our own anatomy? Dive into the deep world of “hip healthcare” including rotational strength, joint centricity, stabilization, muscular activation and so much more. Play with movement-science informed ways to enhance true, sustainable mobility (openness + strength) in this pivotal part of your body.
What you’ll find in this course:
Two hours of solid advice for hip health on the yoga mat from physical therapist and experienced yoga teacher (E-RYT 500+), Dr. Ariele Foster.
What makes this course unique:
Your instructor, Dr Ariele Foster, PT, DPT, E-RYT 500(+) has a unique perspective on hip strengthening after she herself needed surgery to correct hip instability – likely brought on by asana. Ariele is also a yoga teacher and movement educator of over 20 years and a practicing Doctor of Physical Therapy.
Top Rated
Tracy Bogard
Hips: close up and personal
Ariele Foster, DPT, teaches with such care that you feel like you're chatting with a friend. She explains complicated concepts in a way that is understandable and relatable and every question from students are tied back to the purpose of the lesson. This is a great course for everyone who wants to understand more about how their hips work and potentially recognize and correct problem movements before injury (or at least learn when to seek help). Novices to anatomy are welcomed in this non-threatening atmosphere.
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