Hip Therapeutics Small Group Series

Live + On Demand Small Group Series for anyone with Hip Pain or Tightness Feb. 18th-Mar.11th

Tuesdays February 18th to March  11th, 2025

Course Summary

This small group live + on demand course includes:

1. 4 Live (Online) Classes, which are experiential and lecture based, tailored to the students who enroll, and spread out over 2 weeks (60 days of replays will be available). Scroll down for dates.

2. Lifetime Access to Yoga for 3D Hip Stability - an evidence-backed 6 hour on demand course co-created with Yoga Journal (that will be used as "homework") between sessions

3. Learning how to:
- Self assess for healthy hip range of motion, stability and strength;
- Recognize factors from yoga asana and lifestyle that may be contributing to your hip problems; and
- Know general principles of hip health that will keep you active for life

4. Small group confidentiality, where you can feel safe and heard asking questions live or in our community chat area with a doctor of physical therapist who has extensive experience in treating various hip conditions and decades of teaching yoga.

Who is this series for?

This series is for you if you practice yoga and experience regular hip tightness, stiffness, discomfort, pain or pinching.

For many yoga practitioners, more stretching does not resolve our tightness (at least beyond the short term). Maybe you have found relief through massage, or rolling on balls, or specific sequences, but the relief never lasts. You are exactly who will benefit the most from this program.

This program is likely not a great fit for you if you are in the acute stages (first few weeks, although it can depend) of recovering from a hip surgery or have been told you need a hip surgery in the coming months. If you have questions about whether you are a good fit, please email info@yogaanatomyacademy.com

A note from your instructor:

I hope it goes without saying, but this program is not a substitute for medical care. 
It is, however, a great compliment to physical therapy, or for those whose hip issues don't seem serious enough for physical therapy or that physical therapy has not resolved.

This series is intended to synthesize and systematize a lot of physical therapy and evidence based hip health knowledge to help more than one person at a time, yet still feel tailored to the individuals.

Live Class Dates for this series:

Tuesday February 18th 7:30-9pm ET
Tuesday February 25th 7:30-9pm ET
Tuesday March 4th 7:30pm-9 ET
Tuesday March 11th 7:30pm-9 ET


There will be an additional 4-6 hours (depending on whether you choose to do the 4 30 minute yoga practices) of "homework" that you can spread out between the first and last class or binge all at once before the program starts. This is the content of the on demand course, Yoga for 3D Hip Stability.

 "This class series was eye-opening and the small group format, really supportive. I noticed immediately that as my hip strength improved, my pelvic floor muscles activated more and my entire lower body and core felt more stable.

  The mental confidence boost that I received from this -- knowing I am strong and fit enough to jog without fear of pain or stumbling/weakness has been remarkable.

Susan H.
Yoga Teacher

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The live classes are scheduled:
- Tuesday February 18th 7:30-9pm ET
- Tuesday February 25th 7:30-9pm ET
- Tuesday March 4th 7:30pm-9 ET
- Tuesday March 11th 7:30pm-9 ET

Live class times are spread out over a month because TIME is an ingredient in healing and change.

Movement is medicine, but it is not a quick fix. Tissues need time to adapt. Lifestyle changes also require time to adapt. 

All live classes will be recorded and will have a time-limited replay for 30 days after the last session.*

You will be able to submit questions via a community chat area prior to each session, and to use that community area to converse among the group about related topics. This chat area may be particularly helpful for people who cannot attend some of the live classes.  

* The reason for the time limited replay is two part: one, it helps protect the privacy of the individuals who participate (by not having personal information live on the internet indefinitely). Two, it incentivizes participants to participate fully in the time allotted, which should lead to happier hips sooner!

If you cannot participate in the majority of the live classes, you may prefer to enroll in the On Demand-only course (no live component), Yoga for 3D Hip Stability.

Yes, please email info@yogaanatomyacademy.com with your preferred days / time and we will add you to a wait list. 

If you want the information taught in this program sooner, you may prefer to enroll in the on demand-only portion of the course (no live component), Yoga for 3D Hip Stability.

40% of the on demand portion of this series, the Yoga for 3D Hip Stability course, is movement / asana.

The live portion will likely not look like a yoga or movement class much at all. Instead the format will emphasize lecture, discussion and self-tests to determine progress or next steps. You will most likely want a yoga mat and some props nearby for the experience of the live sessions. We do not recommend joining from (for example) your commute due to the participatory nature of the program.

If you are looking for a regular movement practice to strengthen your hips, please see the Yoga Anatomy Academy on demand classes. More than 100 classes in that library use the principles of -- see "Hips Happy Hour".  

Not at all, being a yoga teacher is not a prerequisite for joining this program.

Yoga Teachers and Yoga Therapists will be able to earn 12 hours of continuing education credits, eligible for CEUs with Yoga Alliance and the International Association of Yoga Therapy.

The series is geared toward yoga practitioners. Those who do not practice yoga will still learn a lot, but not everything will apply. 

Upon completion of one or both courses (the on demand course and the live classes) Yoga Teachers and Yoga Therapists will earn continuing education credits, eligible for CEUs for those registered with Yoga Alliance and / or the International Association of Yoga Therapy.  

Yoga for 3D Hip Stability offers 6 hours of CEU credit.

The live portion will offer between 6 hours of CEU credit and will be dependent on live participation.
Total CEUs will therefore be 12 hours. 

This series is geared to help individuals feel better in their hips. If your issue is not hips but verified SI joint issues, this series may not be as targeted to you, but it will likely still be incredibly helpful. The reason for that is much of the literature for creating more stable SI Joints involves stabilizing and targeting the muscles of the hips.

The entire lumbopelvic region (low back, pelvis, hips, and more) is all connected, and ALL must be addressed when working to feel better. Getting one part working well will help the other parts. We will also discuss the role of the SI Joint and low back in hip health. 

This series is geared toward yoga practitioners but is not all yoga. In fact, parts of it will not look like yoga at all!

It builds on the physical therapy knowledge of the instructor, who is a doctor of physical therapy. But the series is not physical therapy. It is meant to supplement, not substitute for, physical therapy or other medical intervention.

This series is a specialized program to use physical therapy know-how to help yoga practitioners experience happier, healthier, more sustainable  hips.  It's good :) 

Please see the information page of Yoga for 3D Hip Stability to see reviews and to understand the benefits gained by students who took that course. 

We won't make outlandish promises that this program will "fix" anyone's hips.

But we will be sharing evidence-based practices for hip health, ways to modify and amplify your yoga asana and movement practices, ways to modify your lifestyle, and lots of movements that have helped countless physio patients to feel better. This information has been hugely helpful to many, but we also know that each of us are unique.

The truth is, there are no guarantees when it comes to something as complex as health or pain.
Any program that guarantees a pain-free state after completion is, frankly, selling snake oil. Pain is complex and multi-factorial.
But we are excited to offer this program in the small group format and to be able to get to know students as individuals, tailoring materials to those who enroll. We believe it will help many participants and potentially prevent future hip surgeries. 

Check out the Hips Happy Hour collection in our On Demand Class Library.  There is a free 7 day trial and the collection houses over 300 physical therapist-led classes. 

You will have lifetime access to Yoga for 3D Hip Stability.
You will have to access all the recordings of the live sessions completed in this cohort for at least 30 days past our final meeting. 

Because we are limiting enrollment and getting to know individual participants unique situations, we will not issue refunds after the start date.
If you learn that you will be unable to join any of the live classes prior to the start date, but have enrolled in the program, we will be happy to refund the difference between the cost of Yoga for 3D Hip Stability and this series. (You have immediate access to Yoga for 3D Hip Stability upon enrollment). 

Yes, our credit card processing account is coded appropriately for most HSA and Flexible Spending Account card payments. Each card may have its own unique rules, so please understand this is not guaranteed.

Yes, you may speak with Ariele directly by booking an "Are We a Good Fit?" session at this link: https://wellilo.janeapp.com/#/staff_member/1/treatment/31
Normally these are reserved for potential physical therapy and one on one yoga clients so it will ask you for your credit card (but you will not be charged) and these calls are not for medical advice. 

Your Instructor

Ariele Foster, DPT

Ariele is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, who started teaching yoga in 2001 and hasn't stopped. 

In addition to her thriving clinical practice in Washington, DC (Wellilo Clinic), Ariele is the founder of Yoga Anatomy Academy, and has written for and led online courses with Yoga Journal (she the was cover model for Yoga Journal Australia in 2018) and Vesselify. 

Ariele brings 25+ years of experience as a dedicated student of yoga (trained in Kripalu, YogaWorks, Anusara, Hatha, Therapeutics and more) and has been teaching yoga classes, privates, workshops and leading retreats since 2001.  For more information, see https://wellilo.com/ or https://yogaanatomyacademy.com  or her YouTube channel

"Finding hip stability in a sea of squishy, stretched out hips does not have to take a doctorate in physical therapy and a decade of head scratching (like it took me!). Learn from my mistakes, meanderings and misadventures. I will show you the shortcut." - Ariele

Ariele Foster
Founder, Yoga Anatomy Academy

Course Pricing

Join now

$399 USD

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Do you have questions about this series?

Refund Policy

Enrollment for this program is limited by both time and size.
Due to that, and the fact that on demand course access is issued immediately upon enrollment, we highly discourage sign ups from those who may need to ask for a refund after signing up. That said, if you learn that you will be unable to join any of the live classes prior to the early bird savings date, but have enrolled in the program, we will be happy to refund the difference between the cost of Yoga for 3D Hip Stability and this series. (You have immediate access to Yoga for 3D Hip Stability upon enrollment). We will consider refund requests on a case by case basis until the early bird savings date but not later.