The deep squat is a deeply human movement.
Billions of us do it every day around the world. It is a direct path to get on and off the floor without your hands (which is a known predictor of all-cause mortality -- or in other words, predictive of longevity).
But it can be elusive for some! It doesn't have to be.
This workshop will guide you toward a better understanding of what might be limiting YOUR deep squat, known as malasana in yoga.
We will explore possible skeletal restrictions, joint by joint. Then explore myofascial tightness, coordination and strength.
There are no guarantees as to whether your tuchus will touch grass after this workshop, but we can confidently say you will know the pathway to getting it closer.
Please have the following on hand for this online workshop:
- firm blanket or towels
- yoga blocks or stiff throw pillows
- dowel (for example, a broom or old curtain rod)
- sense of humor
No specific yoga experience is required for this workshop. Please invite your friends and family!
A replay link will be available afterward for 7 days, however we highly recommend joining live if you are able!
Founder of Yoga Anatomy Academy, Physical Therapist
Ariele is a long time enthusiast of the deep squat, a squatty potty owner, a life long yoga and wellness practitioner and enthusiastic teacher. More information on her physical therapy practice can be found at